About us

CATSING FILTERS currently offers a selection of 90000 plus different hydraulic/transmission filter elements, including corresponding filter housings. 

Catsing Filter includes a wide range of filters in single and duplex versions that many have considered the industry standard. 

Catsing Filter provides customers with a different kind of filtration, from tank-mounted return line or suction filters to in-line or flange mounted or manifold mounted pressure filters, to air breathers and suction strainers.What is the hydraulic system? 

The hydraulic system is composed of a network of hoses,valves,other components and piping which is mostly used in machinery. These systems can be very diverse and complex, but always work under the same principle: using an incompressible fluid under pressure.

Major Types of hydraulic filters:

Filtration is the only defense against wear once contamination is present in the hydraulic system. 

Each type of filter in the system is designed to perform a specific job:

Suction Filter:removes the largest particles that may find its way into the reservoir; also known as strainers or safety filters.

Return Line Filter:removes the largest particles that may find its way into the reservoir; also known as strainers or safety filters.

Pressure Filter:designed to protect the most sensitive components at full system pressures.

Our extensive cross reference will offer you with a high quality top performing option to expensive OEM brands. Hydraulic filters, dielectric fluid filters ,and many others are available through our extensive & highly trained sales and production staff.

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